Carefully, The Overweigh Lady Exposed Hyperandrogenic Risk

Caution for those of you ladies who have body fat, because you could be at risk of illness Hyperandrogenic. What Disease hyperandrogenic it?

Hiperandogen is a condition where excessive androgen hormone levels in a woman's body. Although the hormone is needed, but not the amount improperly too much. In fact, hyperandrogenic is not a trivial thing that is easily resolved. Because of these conditions many women a bit of his intercourse with a minder, but many are more confident.

Hyperandrogenic symptoms in women have mustaches look thin and have a lot of fur around the body. Not a few women who undergo hyperandrogenic Furthermore if that body fat. Some fat lady sometimes has body stout and overgrown lots of feathers on the body. Maybe it was hyperandrogenic as a symptom that occurs.

The relationship between obesity and symptoms hyperandrogenic
On female body androgen hormones produced by the ovaries and suprarenal glands. The function of this hormone is to grow hair in the area "miss V" and as the growth of the egg cells. The risk of increased androgen in women-body fat. Usually, have a more 88cm waistline and the ratio of waist and hips is more than 0, 72cm.

Have a body fat causes insulin cannot function properly and as a result cause liver disorders. It was revealed by a specialist obstetrician, Dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K). He also added if the heart is the most important organ that produces the protein in the body. Protein binding is a helpful amount of androgen hormones should not roam freely in the body.

If insulin is impaired, the cells do not get enough energy so that suffered liver disorders. Be careful not to be able to produce the protein needed as 99% Binder androgen hormones in a woman's body. That's why the fat lady is more hyperandrogenic than women symptoms appeared slim.

Doctor Budi suggested that obesity was soon overcome by doing a diet high in fiber and low in fat. That way, women will be spared from this hyperandrogenic symptoms. Foods with high fiber and low fat can cause interference with the composition of fats in the gut which also interfere with insulin's performance.

Symptoms hyperandrogenic
The symptoms you need to know hyperandrogenic to be more cautious in consuming food i.e. excess skin oil. In addition, the excess acne appears mainly at the face and the hair growth is not normal as in men. Maybe the hair can grow on the upper lip, Chin, around jambang chest, abdomen, arms and more.

Not only that, according to Prof. Dr. Delphi Lutan MSc, SP OG, poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms include hyperandrogenic. PCOS is a specific problem with the heterogeneous changes of gonadotrophin secretion. His mark is the disruption of the menstrual cycle, the profile is not normal fat and risk of cardiovascular disease.

15 Diet Program Most Unique Concepts Throughout Human History

Nowadays many kinds of diets, ranging from a high protein diet, diet, diet CARB baby food, until the blood type diet. Did you know that the actual diet program has been around since the era of the 1700 's. Various ways have done to get ideal weight including extreme ways.

The following 15 diet program most unique concepts throughout human history, as quoted from Woman's Day.
diet history

1. 1727: Avoid staying around the swamp
In 1727, Thomas Short writes a treatise titled ' The Causes and Effects of Corpulence. To make the Short writings do observations and conclude, people living in the surrounding marshes, tend to be overweight. He recommends people should choose and move to a dry place to avoid the side effects of the Marsh.

2. 19th century: hunger Hysteria
During the second half of the 19th century, a form of "Victorian Anorexia" was conducted among middle-class and aristocracy in Western Europe. People intentionally make hungry himself to live up to the idea of Victoria, which is associated with spiritual purity and femininity.

3. 1820: vinegar Diet
A poet bulimia and anorexia, Lord Byron on the vinegar diet popularized 1820an. His intention is to clean the poison in the body by drinking vinegar and water every day. But, what happens is he vomiting and diarrhea-affected, and no wonder his weight decreased.

4. 1903: Chewing without swallowing
A curator of art from San Francisco, Horace Fletcher is famous as ' The Great Masticator ', after he had lost 40 pounds of his weight. It is because he does not chew food and swallow it. Diet Fletcher, he chews every food as much as 32 times (one for each tooth) and then spewing. It does so by logic, the body will absorb the nutrients it needs without having to gain weight.

5. 1925: Diet Smoking
It is difficult indeed to imagine advertising smoking promotes a healthier life. However, in the 1920s, several cigarette companies in the United States, promoting smoking with accentuating the excess ' could eliminate appetite '.

6. 1928: raw meat Diet
A nomad Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the Arctic continent, promoting a diet that extreme version performed tribe Atkin is quite effective. After living in the Northern tundra, Stefánsson was amazed at how his people are Inuit, who live in the Arctic, though eating raw fish and whale blubber, without eating fruit or vegetables.

Stefánsson was so interested in the diet and claimed he had done it himself and prove their effectiveness. He then checked himself into New York's Bellevue Hospital, where doctors monitored his health for several months. After observation, he was declared healthy.

7. The early 1930s: slimming Soap
Wash and remove the fat in the bathroom? Although it sounds impossible, slimming SOAP is quite popular in the 1930s, in the United States. SOAP products labeled ' Fatoff ', ' Fat-O-NO ' and ' La-Mar Reducing Shop ', managed to deceive the women to purchase. Although the SOAP company claims can reduce fat, but are in fact products such as bath SOAP.

8. 1954: Diet of worms
When people know that worms are parasites that live in the intestine, sucking up nutrients and cause weight loss, there are some people who make use of Assamese. Some people start ingesting tapeworm cysts (tapeworms baby) to be able to eat plenty without having to the giddy thinking of the weight.

However, this diet had controversy, because there's a creepy fact about worms. The worms can grow up to 25 feet, which can lead to seizures, meningitis or dementia.

9. the 1960s: sleep Diet
Sleep is done to suppress appetite and lose weight. That's the idea behind ' The Sleeping Beauty Diet ', which was popularized in the 1960s. This diet Followers such as Elvis Presley, lose weight by sleeping in a time of more than 8 hours each day.

10. counting calories did not 1961:
Herman Taller, MD, States there is no need to count calories while eating, as long as you avoid carbohydrates and consume food containing high fat and protein. How, you should wash your groceries with 80 grams of polyunsaturated vegetable oils, which are available in pills sold Taller.
In theory, when consumed together, oil and protein can be destroyed fat, resulting in a weight reduction of up to 30 kg in eight months. But, Taller got the problem with the law when he used his book to promote a certain oil label, and in 1967 he was condemned for fraud and conspiracy.
11. 1970san: Proline Diet 
In the 1970s, Roger Linn, MD, recommending need not eat anything except ' miraculous ' fluid called Prolinn. Proline consists of land animal horns, nails, skin, veins, bones and other parts are given artificial flavors, colors, and enzymes, so that becomes liquid. This drink contains 400 calories and no nutrients. This diet can indeed make a slim body with a quick, but at least 58 people trying this diet, affected by heart disease.

12. 1980-2000an: air Diet
This diet requires that life only by air. Breatharians (followers of this diet) believe that when humans discovered the meaning of the purest in the world, they are no longer in need of food, water or sleep. A woman named Australia Jasmuheen, professes to be a Breatharian and try to prove it. But, the proof was canceled after four days, when he was addressing the pupils of his eyes dilate and he suffered acute dehydration.

13. 2000an blue sunglasses Diet:
Ever noticed how fast food logo use red and yellow in their logo and restaurant? They said the two colors that stimulate appetite. Instead, the blue color could be used to suppress appetite. A company of Japan uses this information to create a pair of glasses with lenses tinted blue diet. This way is considered could change the food looked enticing, being unattractive, thus reducing your desire to eat.

14. 2000an: Diet akunpunktur
The practice of acupuncture on the cartilage part can suppress your appetite. It was based on the auricular acupuncture, a form of Chinese healing therapies when a needle accidentally mounted in the ear for up to one week. That way, the body will adapt and diet more effective.
Proponents of the method say by stimulating pressure points on the ear can control appetite. Methods of weight loss have not been proven effective, and may cause a variety of harmful side effects, such as serious infections.

15. 2000an: Diet a cotton ball
Who needs food when it can be satiated by consuming a low-calorie cotton ball. That's what fans expressed this diet. Some people eat it in the case of dry, but there are also wetting in the gelatin so easily consumed. According to lovers of diet cotton, the stomach feels full and no body fat. Cotton fiber is indeed high, but it's not the kind of man fiber needs.

Tips On A Healthy Diet Based On Blood Type

Many people who have done the diet program but still has difficulty in losing weight. Why does that happen? What is the pattern of our diet is wrong? Maybe there is nothing wrong with the diet that you have done so far. It's just that, you may be lessunderstanding what you do with what your body need. This is where the importance of knowing a diet based on blood type.

Based on research conducted by Dr. Peter j. D'Adamo, who stated in his book Eat Rigth For Your Type, saying that everyone has a different response to the food consumption, based on blood type, respectively. Therefore, sometimes a suitable diet patterns for the A, is not necessarily well suited the B.
blood type diet

This Type Of Diet Foods According To Your Blood Type
Every blood type, have the staying power to certain foods. As for blood type A, very good eating green vegetables, nuts and rice flour. For the blood group B, good eating fish, processed dairy products, wheat, and meat.

While the blood type O, vegetables, and meat, because meat can reduce his acid. For the blood group AB, it is advisable to consume the protein contained in fish, eggsand meat.

Diet for Blood Type A 
Those with blood type A, had problems in pencernaannya which tend to be sensitive. To go on a diet, blood type A is recommended to consume foods that contain high carbohydrates and low in fat. Also good to eat foods made from dairy productsand meat.

Diet for Blood Type B 
Blood type B have an immune system that is less than any other blood type with the owner. Therefore, blood type B diet is recommended to limit the intake of excess flesh. More recommended for eating and drinking food and beverages made of milk.

Diet for Blood Type O
For blood type O, tend to have intestinal problems and digestion, as well as the blood circulation. It is advised to not consume excess carbohydrates. Avoid foods thatcontain wheat flour and nuts. Highly recommended eat food rich in high protein, such as fish and meat.

Diet For Blood Type AB 
It is the blood type blood type that is lucky. Unlike another blood type, owner of AB blood type can be adapted to different types of food. For the AB blood type, it is onlyadvisable to eat a little amount, but often. Better is also coupled with a work out in the morning every day.

This is The Best Diet in The World

This is The Best diet In The World?
Diet food is the best diet?

1. The Atkins Diet
The Atkin's diet or the Atkins Nutritional approach, i.e. a diet that focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in our bodies through diet. If we consume mostly carbohydrates, our body's insulin levels then it will increase rapidly, and then drop quickly. Increased insulin levels will make our bodies store energy as much as possible we eat and decrease the possibility of using our body fat is stored as an energy source. Most people who followed the Atkins Diet would consume foods that contain higher protein than usual.

2. The Zone Diet
This diet aims to balance the nutritional intake that is, 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% protein at every meal. His main focus is to control insulin levels, to lowering weight loss and weight management that was more successful. Zone Diet told good quality carbs to consume (purified), and healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

3. vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet is still divided into a few sub. Fruitarian vegetarians, lactose, Lacto-Ovo vegetarians, Ovo-vegetarian, Pescovegetarian, and Spring-vegetarian. The majority of vegetarian Lacto-Ovo vegetarians is, i.e. not eating the food of animal types, except eggs, milk, and honey. Studies in recent years have shown that adherents of a vegetarian diet have a lower weight, less disease, and generally, have a longer life expectancy than people who eat meat.

4. Vegan Diet
Veganism is more than just a way of life and diet. Vegans do not eat anything that comes from animals, including eggs, milk, and honey. Vegans are generally not followed veganism for only one reason for health reasons, but also for the environment, ethics, and compassion. Vegans believe that modern intensive agricultural methods are bad for our environment, and not sustainable in the long term. According to Vegan: If all of our food is from the herbs, then our environment will get preserved, and the animals would not suffer.

5. Weight Watchers Diet
Weight Watchers focus on losing weight through diet, exercise, and network support. Weight Watchers Inc. was founded in the 1960s, when a housewife who has managed to lose weight and worry about the possibility of getting it back. So, he then created a network of friendship. Weight Watchers is a great company, which has many branches around the world. All dieters can join, either physically or by attending regular meetings or online. In both cases, there is a lot of support and education available for dieters.

6. The South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet begins by a cardiologist named Dr. Agatston, and a nutritionist, Marie Almon. These diets focus on controlling insulin levels, and the benefits of carbohydrates are slow to digest than carbohydrates quickly. Dr. Agatston designed the South Beach Diet in the 1990s because he was disappointed with the low-fat diet and a diet high in carbohydrates which are supported by the American Heart Association. He believed and found that low-fat diets are ineffective in the long run.

7. the Raw Food Diet
Raw food diet or raw foodist to consume food and drinks that are not processed/process, completely vegetable, and ideally is organic food. Raw foodism generally said that at least three-fourths of our food intake should consist of raw foods. A large number of raw foodist is also vegan-they do not eat or drink anything on the basis of the animals. There are four main types of raw foodist vegetarian, vegan, raw: raw, raw omnivorous Carnivore, and raw.

8. The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is with the ability to eat Southern Europeans, and more specifically focus on dietary habits of the people of Crete, Greece, and southern Italy. This time also including Spain, southern France, and Portugal although Portugal did not touch the Mediterranean Sea. The focus is on many plant foods, fresh fruits as dessert, nut, nuts, cereals, grains, olive oil as the main source of fat from food, cheese, and yogurt are the primary dairy food, moderate amounts of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per week, a small amount of red meat, and the number of low/moderate wine. Up to one-third of the Mediterranean diet that consists of fat, saturated fat should not exceed 8% of the caloric intake.

That's 8 best diet program in the world, which one would you choose?

This is The Best Diet Program In American This Year

U.s. News World Report & just assign rank 35 types of diet pattern. Among the patterns that, DASH diet kind of defeating other popular like Weight Watchers and diet of the Mediterranean.

DASH into a diet that emphasizes on the consumption of fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products, as the best diet for five consecutive years. Offered from u.s. News, DASH was developed to lower blood pressure without drugs, also elected by the diet experts as the best diet for diabetics and the best diet for healthy eating patterns.
the dash diet, is the best diet?

"Our Experts, which gives a rank for different types of diets, convinced DASH is good for Your waist circumference, in addition to rewarding for those who are high blood pressure, because this diet is very reasonable and balanced," said the editor of U.S. News World Report & Angela Haupt.

Weight Watchers, which is popular in the United States (us), still tops in the category of best diet to lose weight, followed by HMR (Healthy Management Resources), a low-calorie diet and Jenny Craig, which offers fast food to lose weight.

Meanwhile, the Mediterranean diet, which recently was judged capable of creating a youthful, claiming the rank 1 for a category-based diet of plants and is ranked third in the category best diet after DASH and TLC.

Weight Watchers, which is based on a point system for various types of food, Jenny Craig and a Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes on vegetables and olive oil, referred to as the easiest diet to follow.

"Best Diet 2015 is designed to help consumers identify a diet that matches their specific needs, whether they are trying to lose weight, control chronic diseases or achieve a healthier lifestyle," said Haupt.

10 Extreme Diets in the world, Dare You try it?

Obesity is indeed very annoying. Everyone definitely didn't like it. When it is difficult to lose weight in a way or a reasonable diet, not a few people who voted for the extreme ways to diet. Especially if wanting the ideal body, healthy diet and the reasonable way has not been cared. They are a lot of extreme diets so that her weight is normal and ideal. Want to know what extreme diet that people do so that no excess weight or obesity?

The following are 10 extreme diets in the world who has ever done the people to lose their weight. Dare You to try it?
extreme diet

10. Are at Extreme Altitudes
Something must have come to the extreme of the extreme altitude, is one of them. A study of 20 overweight men. They were required to spend 1 week they are at an altitude of 8.700 feet or about 2,651 meters. For instance, the tallest building in the world only with height 878 metres. They are then asked to eat as their hearts, do not exercise and only a walk away. The result was that on average they lose about 1.3 kg in just over 1 week.

The reason of this extreme weight loss is due to a decrease in appetite than when they are at a normal height. In addition, to being able to survive in the cold climate, their metabolism is also increasing. Unfortunately, after they came down from the extreme height of the diet should be kept if no results will be returned after about 6 months since they came down from the heights.

9. Injection of Urine
Who would have thought that human urine has many benefits, even for extreme diets. His Urine is from the pregnant woman.
It is said to be succeeded, at least for a woman who dropped her weight as much as 7 pounds in just 5 months. The trick behind this extreme diet is because the urine contains hCG hormone produced while pregnant. Some of the roles of this hormone on its own are increasing metabolism. Although this method is still included as an extreme method because of the risk of your body forcibly entered other people's disposal of liquid metabolism.

8. Sleeping Princess Diet
We all know the moment you fall asleep then you will not eat at all. Those who practiced a diet like this will be given sleeping pills high concentration for a few days with the aim of deliberately lose their weight. The idea behind this extreme method is while you sleep, you will not receive food intake but keep metabolism running. Some famous people who became a follower of the way diet ice cream this is Elvis Presley.

If you think this is not a bad idea then please be aware that in fact, this is a bad idea. How is known by the name of "The Sleeping Beauty Diet" it will forcibly incorporate chemicals into your body and interfere with your body's sleep cycle. In addition, you also stop eating so much that by the time you wake up side effects will begin to look like headaches, hallucinations, loss of balance, mood disorders, and poor sleep cycle is the shambles.

7. Regular Laxatives
Purgative or laxative is known as a popular method of colon cleanse by force by making the body do its removal. Typically this is used only if someone is experiencing constipation or constipation, and underwent surgery. But it turns out that the idea of forcing the body disposal is attractive to some people who want to get their ideal body weight.

They will deliberately eat strong laxative in relatively a lot and it's done routinely. This did make their bodies lose fluids and prevent the food to digest, but this is how to lose weight very extreme and can also be said to be stupid. After some time, their body will show symptoms of dehydration, diarrhea, nausea, and handed its worst cases death.

6. Tongue Diet Patch
"No pain, no gain," demonstrated significantly through the method of weight loss that is very extreme. Tongue patch diet is way extreme diets or by installing a special material to sew the tongue of someone cause he could not eat solid food, or simply forcing their body can only eat liquid food.

Please note that Dr. Nikolas Chugay, who created this method in this way is not the way to say that is not healthy but not the healthy way. Whereas some other doctors say this way is how primitive such as asking someone hitting your head with a hammer so see you eat solid food.
5. Ear Stapling
Who would have thought that the staple that we often use to unify a number of paper into one is one of the alternative diets to the extreme. The idea of weight loss techniques based on Chinese acupressure principles to reduce a person's appetite.

Those who want to through this procedure will dispel the inside of their ears and left on for 6 weeks up to 3 months. After the passing of the time span then stapling it will lose their effectiveness. Extreme is this method has not been proved effective for real and can cause various side effects such as serious infections and permanent physical disability.

4. Tapeworm Diet
Tapeworm is a parasite that can grow monstrous in the human body. They will take Your nutrients, producing millions of egg, and can grow up to 6 meters in their host bodies namely humans. Although there are just people who make this parasite to extreme diet as an alternative to them. They will intentionally ingest tapeworms with the aim of sharing the food they eat. This allows them to eat more but their weight remains guarded by the worm.

But by being the host of the tapeworm then as time goes by, the intake of vitamins and nutrients that are obtained will also be on the wane. All of that will ultimately lead to nutritional deficiencies, blockage of the digestive organs, until death. Usually, this is caused by tapeworms which have bred up to thousands of parasites in the body.

3. Breatharianism
Inedia or breatharianism is the belief that a person can live without food. They believe that they can survive only by air or sunlight which is the source of energy of life in Hindu belief (prana). The extreme idea of not eating themselves into the trust as a way to lose weight, i.e. no need to eat and make me Ana hunger.

In fact, it is only practiced by those who want to improve their religious spirituality and in no way related to diet or lose weight. In fact, there have been many cases that lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea, dehydration, organ damage, and death.

2. Stomach Stapling
Although it sounds the same as stapling ears but how to lose weight this is way much more extreme and horrible. One of the quickest ways to get a desirable beauty everyone is through surgery, this also applies to the method of diet "Stomach Stapling" or "stomach stapling" it. In short, this method will make Your stomach smaller room so you will only be able to eat the food in a number of relatively few.

The procedure itself is only given to those who really are already obese. The reason is because of the very high risk and often cases of infection were found.

1. Amputation
The reason why our body has a certain weight is because every part of our body has its own weight. Aware of this there are people who think than painstakingly go on a diet, why not revoke parts of our body only? Surely it will very rapidly lose weight. That's the extreme diet methods, known as the diet of amputation.

Diet known as the amputation diet this diet is a method that aims to eliminate fluids and certain parts of the body to lose weight. Starting from the hoofs of the legs, skin, hair scissors, donating blood, take one of the kidneys, to the most extreme was deliberately cut off parts of your body.

That's the extreme diet 10 in the world, dare You to try it?

Fight Obesity From the Fetus

More weight and obesity over time became a problem. Almost every time this problem always preached in various countries and become an international problem which invites concern. A very worrying thing is that those affected by obesity is a young child.
Fight Obesity from the fetus

The prevalence of infants, children, and adolescents, obesity is increasing world-wide. In the United Kingdom is currently almost one in four children under the age of five years and a third of 10 to 11 years old suffered from obesity.

As reported by The Guardian site, obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and other adverse conditions that are normally present in the middle ages but the more commonly seen in children and adolescents. A child obesity is much more likely to become adults who are obese-body.

Adults who suffered from obesity tend to have children who are obese as well. The transgenerational cycle that endanger this should be prevented from the outset. If not, for the first time in history, the life of the elderly may be longer than their children.

Adverse impacts of the environment obesogenic coupled with a lifestyle that is getting worse are one cause. The danger, a mother that an excess of nutrition around the time of conception and during pregnancy increases the risk of obesity. Kids nowadays are increasingly approaching the process of obesity. Where they consume foods that are high energy solid sugar, saltand saturated fat. It is important to note, because the taste preference and appetite regulation, beginning in infancy, and patterns of activity and exercise can be formed and has influence in the upcoming childhood

In the United Kingdom, many circles that do healthy eating and sports promotion in the form of initiatives such as "Change4Life". Other things that are done that is doing the responsibility agreement intended to encourage the food industry to make voluntary commitments in order to manufacture products that are healthier.