Nowadays many kinds of diets, ranging from a high protein diet, diet, diet CARB baby food, until the blood type diet. Did you know that the actual diet program has been around since the era of the 1700 's. Various ways have done to get ideal weight including extreme ways.
The following 15 diet program most unique concepts throughout human history, as quoted from Woman's Day.
diet history |
1. 1727: Avoid staying around the swamp
In 1727, Thomas Short writes a treatise titled ' The Causes and Effects of Corpulence. To make the Short writings do observations and conclude, people living in the surrounding marshes, tend to be overweight. He recommends people should choose and move to a dry place to avoid the side effects of the Marsh.
2. 19th century: hunger Hysteria
During the second half of the 19th century, a form of "Victorian Anorexia" was conducted among middle-class and aristocracy in Western Europe. People intentionally make hungry himself to live up to the idea of Victoria, which is associated with spiritual purity and femininity.
3. 1820: vinegar Diet
A poet bulimia and anorexia, Lord Byron on the vinegar diet popularized 1820an. His intention is to clean the poison in the body by drinking vinegar and water every day. But, what happens is he vomiting and diarrhea-affected, and no wonder his weight decreased.
4. 1903: Chewing without swallowing
A curator of art from San Francisco, Horace Fletcher is famous as ' The Great Masticator ', after he had lost 40 pounds of his weight. It is because he does not chew food and swallow it. Diet Fletcher, he chews every food as much as 32 times (one for each tooth) and then spewing. It does so by logic, the body will absorb the nutrients it needs without having to gain weight.
5. 1925: Diet Smoking
It is difficult indeed to imagine advertising smoking promotes a healthier life. However, in the 1920s, several cigarette companies in the United States, promoting smoking with accentuating the excess ' could eliminate appetite '.
6. 1928: raw meat Diet
A nomad Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the Arctic continent, promoting a diet that extreme version performed tribe Atkin is quite effective. After living in the Northern tundra, Stefánsson was amazed at how his people are Inuit, who live in the Arctic, though eating raw fish and whale blubber, without eating fruit or vegetables.
Stefánsson was so interested in the diet and claimed he had done it himself and prove their effectiveness. He then checked himself into New York's Bellevue Hospital, where doctors monitored his health for several months. After observation, he was declared healthy.
7. The early 1930s: slimming Soap
Wash and remove the fat in the bathroom? Although it sounds impossible, slimming SOAP is quite popular in the 1930s, in the United States. SOAP products labeled ' Fatoff ', ' Fat-O-NO ' and ' La-Mar Reducing Shop ', managed to deceive the women to purchase. Although the SOAP company claims can reduce fat, but are in fact products such as bath SOAP.
8. 1954: Diet of worms
When people know that worms are parasites that live in the intestine, sucking up nutrients and cause weight loss, there are some people who make use of Assamese. Some people start ingesting tapeworm cysts (tapeworms baby) to be able to eat plenty without having to the giddy thinking of the weight.
However, this diet had controversy, because there's a creepy fact about worms. The worms can grow up to 25 feet, which can lead to seizures, meningitis or dementia.
9. the 1960s: sleep Diet
Sleep is done to suppress appetite and lose weight. That's the idea behind ' The Sleeping Beauty Diet ', which was popularized in the 1960s. This diet Followers such as Elvis Presley, lose weight by sleeping in a time of more than 8 hours each day.
10. counting calories did not 1961:
Herman Taller, MD, States there is no need to count calories while eating, as long as you avoid carbohydrates and consume food containing high fat and protein. How, you should wash your groceries with 80 grams of polyunsaturated vegetable oils, which are available in pills sold Taller.
In theory, when consumed together, oil and protein can be destroyed fat, resulting in a weight reduction of up to 30 kg in eight months. But, Taller got the problem with the law when he used his book to promote a certain oil label, and in 1967 he was condemned for fraud and conspiracy.
11. 1970san: Proline Diet
In the 1970s, Roger Linn, MD, recommending need not eat anything except ' miraculous ' fluid called Prolinn. Proline consists of land animal horns, nails, skin, veins, bones and other parts are given artificial flavors, colors, and enzymes, so that becomes liquid. This drink contains 400 calories and no nutrients. This diet can indeed make a slim body with a quick, but at least 58 people trying this diet, affected by heart disease.
12. 1980-2000an: air Diet
This diet requires that life only by air. Breatharians (followers of this diet) believe that when humans discovered the meaning of the purest in the world, they are no longer in need of food, water or sleep. A woman named Australia Jasmuheen, professes to be a Breatharian and try to prove it. But, the proof was canceled after four days, when he was addressing the pupils of his eyes dilate and he suffered acute dehydration.
13. 2000an blue sunglasses Diet:
Ever noticed how fast food logo use red and yellow in their logo and restaurant? They said the two colors that stimulate appetite. Instead, the blue color could be used to suppress appetite. A company of Japan uses this information to create a pair of glasses with lenses tinted blue diet. This way is considered could change the food looked enticing, being unattractive, thus reducing your desire to eat.
14. 2000an: Diet akunpunktur
The practice of acupuncture on the cartilage part can suppress your appetite. It was based on the auricular acupuncture, a form of Chinese healing therapies when a needle accidentally mounted in the ear for up to one week. That way, the body will adapt and diet more effective.
Proponents of the method say by stimulating pressure points on the ear can control appetite. Methods of weight loss have not been proven effective, and may cause a variety of harmful side effects, such as serious infections.
15. 2000an: Diet a cotton ball
Who needs food when it can be satiated by consuming a low-calorie cotton ball. That's what fans expressed this diet. Some people eat it in the case of dry, but there are also wetting in the gelatin so easily consumed. According to lovers of diet cotton, the stomach feels full and no body fat. Cotton fiber is indeed high, but it's not the kind of man fiber needs.