This is The Best diet In The World?
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Diet food is the best diet? |
1. The Atkins Diet
The Atkin's diet or the Atkins Nutritional approach, i.e. a diet that focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in our bodies through diet. If we consume mostly carbohydrates, our body's insulin levels then it will increase rapidly, and then drop quickly. Increased insulin levels will make our bodies store energy as much as possible we eat and decrease the possibility of using our body fat is stored as an energy source. Most people who followed the Atkins Diet would consume foods that contain higher protein than usual.
2. The Zone Diet
This diet aims to balance the nutritional intake that is, 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 30% protein at every meal. His main focus is to control insulin levels, to lowering weight loss and weight management that was more successful. Zone Diet told good quality carbs to consume (purified), and healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts.
3. vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet is still divided into a few sub. Fruitarian vegetarians, lactose, Lacto-Ovo vegetarians, Ovo-vegetarian, Pescovegetarian, and Spring-vegetarian. The majority of vegetarian Lacto-Ovo vegetarians is, i.e. not eating the food of animal types, except eggs, milk, and honey. Studies in recent years have shown that adherents of a vegetarian diet have a lower weight, less disease, and generally, have a longer life expectancy than people who eat meat.
4. Vegan Diet
Veganism is more than just a way of life and diet. Vegans do not eat anything that comes from animals, including eggs, milk, and honey. Vegans are generally not followed veganism for only one reason for health reasons, but also for the environment, ethics, and compassion. Vegans believe that modern intensive agricultural methods are bad for our environment, and not sustainable in the long term. According to Vegan: If all of our food is from the herbs, then our environment will get preserved, and the animals would not suffer.
5. Weight Watchers Diet
Weight Watchers focus on losing weight through diet, exercise, and network support. Weight Watchers Inc. was founded in the 1960s, when a housewife who has managed to lose weight and worry about the possibility of getting it back. So, he then created a network of friendship. Weight Watchers is a great company, which has many branches around the world. All dieters can join, either physically or by attending regular meetings or online. In both cases, there is a lot of support and education available for dieters.
6. The South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet begins by a cardiologist named Dr. Agatston, and a nutritionist, Marie Almon. These diets focus on controlling insulin levels, and the benefits of carbohydrates are slow to digest than carbohydrates quickly. Dr. Agatston designed the South Beach Diet in the 1990s because he was disappointed with the low-fat diet and a diet high in carbohydrates which are supported by the American Heart Association. He believed and found that low-fat diets are ineffective in the long run.
7. the Raw Food Diet
Raw food diet or raw foodist to consume food and drinks that are not processed/process, completely vegetable, and ideally is organic food. Raw foodism generally said that at least three-fourths of our food intake should consist of raw foods. A large number of raw foodist is also vegan-they do not eat or drink anything on the basis of the animals. There are four main types of raw foodist vegetarian, vegan, raw: raw, raw omnivorous Carnivore, and raw.
8. The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is with the ability to eat Southern Europeans, and more specifically focus on dietary habits of the people of Crete, Greece, and southern Italy. This time also including Spain, southern France, and Portugal although Portugal did not touch the Mediterranean Sea. The focus is on many plant foods, fresh fruits as dessert, nut, nuts, cereals, grains, olive oil as the main source of fat from food, cheese, and yogurt are the primary dairy food, moderate amounts of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per week, a small amount of red meat, and the number of low/moderate wine. Up to one-third of the Mediterranean diet that consists of fat, saturated fat should not exceed 8% of the caloric intake.
That's 8 best diet program in the world, which one would you choose?
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