14 Fact Obesity The World Unique And Scary

Obesity has become a problem of the world and continues to be a serious attention until now. The fact remains that Obesity continued to experience growth every year, in developing as well as developed countries. This must be a serious concern of all of us because the facts are stored behind the great danger that threatens health. However, did you know that behind the great danger of obesity, there is unique facts obesity in the world?
Obesity fact in America

Here are some facts about obesity, as quoted from fact slides:

1. The problem of obesity almost felt by most people around the world. Uniquely, obesity problem turned out to be much greater than the problem of hunger.

2. Obesity has become endemic in the United States. There 1 of 3 people American population suffers from obesity.

3. a person who frequently eats dinner or breakfast at restaurants have affected the risk of obesity doubled.

4. Mexico City is dubbed ' the world's most obese City '

5. Good cholesterol (HDL) can turn into bad cholesterol and hardened into fats that clog blood vessels.

6. Chicken that lived in the present contains 266% more fat than chicken that lived 40 years ago.

7. A father who did the diet before sex has effects that are crucial for the health of his son.

8. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain as much as 0.9 pounds in less than a week.

9. Drivers who are obese has died in the accident risk is 78% higher than those who were not obese.

10. When you are losing weight, most of the fat is released from carbon dioxide and the rest were issued as water.

11. The Society of ancient Egypt and ancient Greece society considers if obesity is a medical disorder.

12. Some women in Mauritania forcing her daughter to eat a lot because of obesity in women was ideal in the city.

13. Did you know that 21% of elementary school students in New York City are obese?

14. New Zealand will refuse Visas residency (Visa to live) if anyone has any extra weight.

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