What Is Obese?

Obese is the extra fat in the body, generally hoarded in the subcutaneous tissue (under the skin), about organs and sometimes occurs the expansion into the surely (Misnadierly, 2007). According to the WHO obese is heaping which excess fatty or abnormal can disrupt health. According to Myers (2004), someone can be obese when there extra or enlargement body fat cells. 
what is obese?

Obesity is circumstance that shows the imbalance between height and weight the network fats in the body, so there overweight that beyond measure ideal (Sumanto, 2009). The obesity determined by eating too much, too little activity or physical exercise, and both (Misnadierly, 2007). So, everyone should look many input food (to be adapted to the needs of every day) and physical activity was done. To families that have acts of obesity, attention to this issue must be greater, especially for women, his job is that much sitting, does not like sports and people with emotion unstable.

Whatever type of obesity?
Based on type of obesity bodily form
type of obesity: aple and pear.

- Type fruit apples
Type is usually there are in men. In which fat accumulated around the belly. Health at risk of type is higher than type fruit with pear. 
- Type Fruit Pear
Pear type this tends to own by women, existing fat stored around the hip and buttock. Against the risk of disease in type gynoid generally small. 
- Ovid Type
Type features of this type are big in all part of the body. Type of ovid there is generally on people who plump in genetic. 

Type obesity based on the state of fat cells 
- Type hyperplastic 
Obesity is because of the number of fat more than normal circumstances . 
- Type hypertrophic  
Obesity is because cell size fats into larger than normal circumstances, but the number of the cell is not multiple than normal.

Obesity types hyperplastic and hypertrophic due to the number and size of fat cells above normal. The formation of fat cells just happened immediately once degrees maximum hypertrophy reached with marked a signal issued by fat cells that experienced hypertrophic. 

How symptoms the onset of obesity?
Stockpiling which excess fatty below the diaphragm and in the chest wall can reduce respiratory, so that arise respiratory disorders and shortness of breath, although patients just put up a light. Respiratory disorders happen at a time when sleep and cause respiratory disruption for a while (sleep apnea), so at noon patients are often sleepy. 

Obesity could cause problems orthopedic, including pain, lower back and aggravate osteoarthritis (mainly in the hip, the knee, and ankle ). Also sometimes often found skin disorder. A person suffering from obesity having the surface of the body relatively smaller than its weight, so the heat could not be deleted efficiently and diaphoretic more. Often found edema (swelling due to a number of liquid stockpiling) in the limbs and ankle.

What causes of the emergence of obesity?
The internal factor
- Genetic 
As conditions of other medical, obese is a mixture of genetics and the environment. Genes found allegedly can affect the number and big fat cells, the distribution of fat and large energy consumption for metabolism when the body break. Polymorphism in variation genes controls appetite and metabolism be predisposing obesity when the calories enough. In addition, obesity is among prader-willi syndrome. The disease is genetic on about one of 15 thousand birth. Mutation of a gene happened in a chromosome to 15 governing appetites. This syndrome identified as genes cause obesity at young children. Symptoms resulting from syndrome is caused by dysfunction the hypothalamus that one of them is set up hunger.
Besides, sexes also influence obesity. Men have more muscle compared with women. Muscle burns fatter than other cells. Because women have less muscle, then woman the opportunity of smaller to burn fat. The results, woman of more risky obese.

- Endocrine abnormalities
Hypothyroidism happens when the thyroid gland not producing thyroid hormone as required body. When thyroid hormone produced not in accordance with the body needs, growth will be disrupted. Thyroid hormone is needed to body growth. Disruption of the production of these hormones can affect metabolism, brain development, respiratory, heart and nervous system, body temperature, muscular strength, the skin, circulation menstruation in a woman, weight, and levels of cholesterol. Production thyroid hormone governed by hormone TSH produced by the anterior pituitary. TSH will spur thyroid gland to secreting hormone thyroid, namely thrydotironin (T3) and thyroxine ( t4 ). When in the blood there were few the hormone thyroid, then TSH levels will rise to stimulate the thyroid gland secreting hormone thyroid. On the contrary, when in the blood has quite or even there is more thyroid hormone, TSH levels will decline. 

The secretion TSH governed by hormone hypothalamus, namely TRH. The pituitary response to TRH rare. What happened to hypothyroidism is TSH has increased due to levels of function thyroid gland declining. In addition, hypothyroidism can be caused by the pituitary gland does not work with normal. Disruption pituitary work can cause TSH disturbed production and consequently thyroid gland will be disturbed. As above, hypothyroidism cause bodily metabolic disturbed. Hypothyroidism cause speed metabolism of carbohydrates and fats decline. This would cause obesity. Hypothyroidism heavy called myxedema. 

 Cushing syndrome
Cushing syndrome because of cortisol excessive levels. Hypothalamus secrete CRH (corticotrophin releasing hormone) to the pituitary. CRH cause secreting ACTH pituitary (adrenocorticotropin hormone) that stimulate adrenal glands to produce cortisol into the blood.Tanda-tanda and complaints from the happened among others obesity in the upper body, rounded face, the skin hurt easily, weak bone, menstrual irregular in women, and infertility in men.

 Abnormalities in hypothalamus 
Central eat and satisfied, which regulates hunger and to satiety, found in the hypothalamus. Central serves full hinder central eat, and vice versa. Who coordinates all it is a polypeptide. The polypeptide includes neuropeptide Y and leptin. Neuropeptide Y increased appetite while leptin decreases appetite and improve energy consumption. Obesity happens if leptin not available in the brain or damaged. What happens is genes receptors leptin experienced septal. Receptors leptin found in adipose tissue brown. Another possibility is disruption of transportation leptin into the brain or septal to mechanisms that are powered by the human genome. Leptin led to an increase lip  lysis and decline lipogenesis. In addition, leptin stimulates secretions insulin.

External Factor
- Life Style and Behaviour
Technological progress, such as the existence of motor vehicles, the elevator, and others can trigger obesity because of a lack of physical activity conducted by a.A lifestyle like this one could increase the risk of obesity.Consuming food junk food can also cause obesity because generally have calories high.

- Environmental and other Factors
Obesity can also cause by emotion. One might overeat when depressed, desperate, angry, bored, and various other means that do not need to be fed. This common in young woman. They would feel influence on his habits. In addition, factor economic and social status certainly affect. In middle low public, obesity is synonymous with prosperous. But, in modern society, obesity is to be avoided.

How to measure if somebody affected by obesity? 
Generally, obesity may be divided over two large groups , namely android obesity type and type gynoid obesity . 

- Obesity android type 
Shaped body fat as barrel-shaped or fruit apple, enlarges fore the stomach, was obtained on many men, so called male-type obesity. This type tends to result in coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Other names obesity type this is central obesity, abdominal obesity, visceral obesity.

Called obesity visceral because of stockpiling fat occurs in the abdominal cavity (the abdomen), precisely around omentum the intestine (visceral). Fat visceral excessive obtains blood supply from the blood vessels omentum, and spend a lot of chemical and hormone into circulatory. How much fat is heaped up in the abdominal cavity reflect the breadth a circle the waist ( waist circumference ) the man.

- Gynoid Type of obesity
Many are women, especially which have been menopause, pelvic and his ass large, from afar looked like a pear. Type it is called also obesity type lady or female-type obesity. Another name this type is obesity peripheral type (peripheral) obesity, or gluteal muscles obesity (of the medius which means butt). But a decisive manner of degrees obesity most commonly used the measurement of   Body Mass Index   (BMI), by measuring height (in meters) and weight (in kilogram), then allocated weight by the square of height. See the formula below:

BMI = Weight/((Height (m)) x (Height (m)))

Body Mass Index

An example of a person with a body weight of 70 kg and 160 cm in height, then obtained a BMI = 70/(1.6 x 1.6) = 27.3 (Fat)

According to the who, BMI the normal is 18,5 - 24,9. BMI less than 18,5 said bony. While BMI 25 upward called obesity, divided also in obesity degrees one (BMI 25 - 29,9 ), obesity degrees two (BMI 30-39,9), and obesity degrees three or morbid / severe obesity (BMI 40 or more). To further details,  here is table classifications obesity according to WHO and common:
KLASIFIKASI OBESITAS WHO BMI                               
  POPULER (kg/m2)   
Underweight Skinny < 18,5   
Healthy weight Normal 18,5 – 24,9   
Obesitas derajat 1 Overweight 25 – 29,9   
Obesitas derajat 2 Obesitas 30 – 39,9   
Obesitas derajat 3 Obesitas Morbid > 40  

Healthy weight, normal, or ideal (healthy weight) is a weight not underweight, nor (obesity) overweight or obese, means BMI 20 - 25, the waist circumference of 88 cm for women and under 102 cm for men.

How the mechanism the occurrence of obesity?
Obesity is because of energy intake larger than energy expenditure. Any cause, who made someone obesity is basically energy intake or insert obtained from food or other larger than expenditure energy or energy issued. Basic mechanisms of the obesity are input calories exceeds the calories to maintain and restoration of health long continued. Excess calories will be recorded in the form of fat, which increasingly will lead to obesity. 

What are the diseases that can appear the consequence of obesity?
Obesity is having an impact is bad for health. Because obesity triggers a wide array of ailments in the body. Quoted from the Times of India, there are at least 10 diseases that arise from the conditions of a person experiencing overweight:
Obesity children, danger!

-Type 2 Diabetes
Many studies reveal obesity risk are associated with diabetes. In fact, if you've got this disease then it could spread into a more serious disease complications. For example, heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage which led to amputation.

-Heart Attack
Body fat can cover the blood vessels of the heart and his clog. This then leads to coronary heart attacks.

Obese people tend to have high blood pressure. This could be addressed by reducing weight and exercise.

-Sleep Apnea
His mark is difficult to sleep well and likes to snoring while sleeping. This is a respiratory disorder make way as stop several times air time is halved. Sleep apnea is associated with the occurrence of hypertension, heart failure, and other diseases.

-Uric Acid
Obese people are four times more at risk of experiencing gout. This disease attacks the joints that caused high levels of purin in the area of the joint. Could joint swelling, reddening, and pain. Reducing weight can be one solution.

-High Cholesterol
Overweight tends to trigger high bad cholesterol (LDL) instead of good cholesterol (HDL). A large number of bad cholesterol to be the cause of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Obesity increases the reflux due to abdominal fat put pressure on the muscle ring below the esophagus. The size of the tube ring is about 10 inches wide that connects the throat to the stomach. In conditions not obesity, its function is to prevent the return of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Overweight causes excess pressure experienced joints to support the body. As a result, it is possible the joint experience osteoarthritis that will ruin it in the long run.

Obesity had a significant role in the formation of cancer cells actively. And, the risk of cancer that is often found in the body fat is bowel cancer, breast, and throat.

-Heart Failure
The increase in body mass index is associated with an increased risk of heart failure.

How To Tackle Obesity
Handling of obesity can be done in various ways, as follows:

-Self Motivation
If someone thinks that obesity cannot be something troubling, certainly weight loss program will not succeed. For example, there is a host of a body fat and happy will be the condition of her body. Interviewed several times, being concerned with the spirit says that she will not lose her weight. But what happened? The current look of the skinny presenter due to experience certain diseases.

Before starting a weight loss program, the first of which should be modified is the mindset of obese people. Motivation should be thin strong embedded inside her, not just a me-too. This motivation can be strengthened by joining the group that has the same program, discussing with a true, etc. Usually, in groups, members can remind each other and compete for each other. Similarly, in the presence of experts in the group, the business done became systematic and purposeful. It is better if the weight loss is required for a particular disease condition has not experienced, not a result of the disease suffered.

- Diet-Settings
The more obese a person then the easier it is to feel hungry. This is due to the influence of substances/hormones found in fat cells. Then the diet restrictions attempt must be made immediately as possible. If the concerned consider that the diet restrictions can do business at any time (but not currently), sure his efforts became more difficult. Therefore, at this time also, ordain that I should restrict my diet, before becoming fatter again with the risk of more difficult again for dieting. Look for foods that are low in calories. Start the day with taking half of the portion of your daily meal. All we eat is portion is reduced to half. That's about it. Don't forget to also restrict foods sweet, salty, and fatty. But it should be remembered, lest already overcome overweight. Recommended by the WHO, the number of body mass loss is good and safe is about half to 1 kg per week.

- Healthy Living Patterns
In addition to setting the habit diet, considering your body to evaluate your efforts. These things seem trivial but the effect is no less magnitude with the diet program itself. Similarly, by exercising, do well and right.

-Medical Therapies
Although many medications in order to slim down, but preferably before using drugs, consult with a doctor. Please check how to work, side effects, or the drug danger if it is excessive in the body. A suitable drug to someone not necessarily suitable and appropriate in others. Anyway, a weight loss program can not only rely on the drugs.


Surgery in the form of retrieval of abdominal fat (omentum) does if someone has had a BMI equal to or more than 40. Besides, it can also be done on a BMI less than 35 if you already have a disease that can be life-threatening due to the excessive weight of the body.

Thank you for your visit. Congratulations Live a Healthy Life All the Time Every Day

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