The Real Danger Of Obesity

Obesity is a physiological state caused by plutonium fat excessively in the body. Currently, excess nutrition and obesity has become an epidemic in developed countries, as England, Brazil, Singapore and quickly grow in developing countries, especially in pacific islands and Asian countries. Prevalence of obesity increase significantly in the last few decades and regarded as public health problems major ( Lucy A Bilaver, 2009 ). 
Obesity facts

Data from who said that obesity has become the world problems. The data collected from around the world shows that increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in 10-15 years. Currently estimated at more than 100 millions of world population suffer obesity. This figure will increase quickly. If this state continues so in 2230 estimated 100 % the world's population will be obese (Sayoga, 2004). Panama and Kuwait listed as two countries with a prevalence of obesity the world highest, which is about 37 %. Then Peru (32 %) and the united states (31%). In Brazil, the increase in the case of obesity happened on the child of 39%.

In Europe, England to be state number one in the case of obesity in child, with the prevalence of 36%. Followed by Spain with the prevalence of 27% according to a reports obesity international team (Cybermed, 2003). Obesity then spilled into developing countries as Thailand with a prevalence of obesity in 5-12 years child has increased from 12,2 % be 15,6 % in just two years (WHO, 2003). The prevalence of obesity in China reached 7,1 % in Beijing and 8,3 % in shanghai in 2000 (WHO, 2000). 

The prevalence of obese children aged 6 to 11 years it has more than doubled since 1960 (WHO, 2003). Besides,  WHO noted that in 2005, globally there are about 1.6 billion adults who are overweight or overweight and 400 million of them are categorized obesity. On 2016 or 2017 predicted cases of obesity will increase doubling of the figure. 

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